I'm so excited to now have my very own "projects" page in Sakura of America's Creative Inspiration section on their site! You can now download and print FREE PDFs of worksheets to color and adorn here! I'll be adding more on a regular basis, so be sure to check back often.
A little back story on the worksheets: Back in February, I had the privilege of being part of an Interactive Children's Art Workshop hosted by the local non-profit, Art Love Magic at Southside on Lamar in downtown Dallas. These workshops are held several times a year, and aims to allow children ages 4-16 to work alongside real artists in an open studio environment. I love this approach because it provides children the opportunity to experiment with many different mediums, as well as interact with established artists and other kids in a way is more organic than overly structured. Rather than just offer the kids paper and pens to draw with, I decided to print off these blank-faced worksheets. They were a huge hit among children and adults, and I hope you'll enjoy coloring them as well.

If you end up printing them for yourself or young ones, I'd love it so much if you shared your result. You can post them in the comments or on my Facebook page. Have fun!